Do Ngoc Hop(1, 2, 3), E.S. Mironova(1, 4), I.M. Kvetnoy(1, 2), M.A. Dokhov(1, 5), M.A. Paltsev(6)
1-St. Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
Ligovsky Ave., 2–4, St. Petersburg, 191036, Russian Federation; 2-FGBOU HE "St. Petersburg State University",
Universitetskaya nab., 7/9, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russian Federation;
3-Vietnamese Military Medical Academy,
st. Phung Hung, 160, Hanoi, Vietnam;
4-ANNO VO Research Center "St. Petersburg Institute of Bioregulation and Gerontology",
Dynamo Ave., 3, St. Petersburg, 197110, Russian Federation;
5-Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,
st. Litovskaya, 2, St. Petersburg, 194100, Russian Federation;
6-Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University named after. M.V. Lomonosov",
Leninskie Gory, 1, Moscow, 119991, Russian Federation

Introduction. Lung carcinoma is one of the most common cancers and the most likely cause of cancer mortality in the world. The use of the IHC method to determine the immunophenotype of tumor cells greatly facilitates the differential diagnostic search, allows us to identify the pathogenetic mechanisms of tumor progression and molecular targets for the selection of modern and most effective therapy. The KISS1/KISS1R signaling system can serve as a regulator of tumor metastasis and is a potential prognostic marker of tumor processes. In this regard, the relevance of the chosen research topic is to conduct an in-depth study of kisspeptin expression in lung carcinomas to assess the diagnostic and prognostic value of kisspeptins during tumor growth. The purpose of the study was to determine the prognostic value of kisspeptin in lung carcinomas of varying degrees of differentiation. Methods. The material for the study was samples of lung tumors (adenocarcinoma). On fixed tissue, the relative area of KISS1 expression was measured, which was determined by immunohistochemistry. Results. The second degree of tumor differentiation occurred at older ages. A relationship has been established between the degree of tumor differentiation and the relative area of kisspeptin expression. A monotonous increase in the relative area of kisspeptin expression was revealed during the transition from a low to a high degree of differentiation. The relationship between metastasis and the relative area of kisspeptin expression was determined. It has been confirmed that secondary changes (inflammation, hemorrhage and necrosis) occur statistically significantly more often with lymphovascular invasion. Conclusion. The results obtained are the basis for creating an algorithm for using indicators of kisspeptin-1 expression in lung carcinomas as markers for assessing its progression.
KISS1, kisspeptin, lung cancer, adenocarcinoma, immunohistochemistry, degree of tumor differentiation

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